Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Layin' cable ... *chortle*

I drove by the property today after work. I drove by yesterday, too, but it was all the same. Today there was a change. Still no "SOLD" sign anywhere, but there were orange flags demarcating buried cable. Or so they said:

And this spray paint-on-grass offering. How permanent is that? (As if we'd be graced by a storm tonight). I wonder why they need a splice here. This is between two lots. Did they not forsee a home on each one?

Me and the line of flags/paint line:

I haven't heard from the builder in two days. I wonder if he doesn't like me anymore. Shouldn't the foundation be poured by now? Seriously, though, I'm looking for that sold sign and maybe a R.J. Wachsman Homes sign. These flags were exciting progress (I'm not kidding) but a sign will send me over the top. Not Texas-winning-the-national-championship-over-the-top, but way up there.

current music: Pixies: Dig for Fire


Anonymous said...

Orange flags! How did they know about your fixation with orange? I wonder if your new neighbors are already talking about that guy who keeps stalking the lot and jumping out to take pictures of himself......

Baskinoid #3 said...

That IS funny. As I read Skillz' comments, I look over and see the picture of you popping your head in like an agoraphobic Where's Waldo.

I like the orange. I think you should take the spraypaint as an invitation to do your own "marking of the territory" I think you should maybe make a crop circle or something by just mowing out a longhorn symbol.

In all seriousness, Tina-nih-nah and I were talking at class on Sunday about fences, because Brian and I just re-constructed his north fence. I told her about this one and we both agree you have to have one like this. Its on a corner lot in my Boss's neighborhood. If you look at the house on the Northwest corner of Stephens and Barnett, it has the COOLEST fence and definitely fits the corner lot scenario.

Anonymous said...

I took the long way from my office to the Taco Casa yesterday at lunch to check out the site. Fabulous! I love how it feels like you're in the country but you're really not. Kind of like our house. On the fence issue, I have to agree with Mojorin and Tina. We drive by that fence almost daily and it is certainly a classy fence - perfect for a corner lot.

Schlick said...

I'll have to make time to drive by on the way to class!