Thursday, June 16, 2005

No one can tell me that I'm doing wrong today

The morning of our last full day in Mexico was spent swimming with the dolphins. I personally think that people are drawn to dolphins is because they have smiling faces. Permanently. Sea lions and seals can do more cute tricks. Otters look cuddly and float on their backs while ingeniously using rocks to crack open their food. Killer whales can I.D. you on the deck of your whaling boat and track you down relentlessly until they've exacted their deadly revenge. Oh. Whoops. Yeah, everyone likes a playful, mischievous, wanna-be-friends-with-the-humans delfino. What else could the smile mean??? I think a walrus is more my speed, but whatever.

Hey! Looking at the website, we didn't get to do the "hurdle" or the "free time." *grumble* Nevertheless, it was fun. We were delayed for quite a while because the dolphins didn't want to cooperate. The guides kept telling us that they couldn't force the dolphins to interact with us. What a time for Allen to not have his gun. I wanted to suggest letting us swim out there, taking the ice buckets of fish that were all around. That would garner us some attention. Didn't these trainers have any modern wisdom in bribery? Maybe that's an American parent thing. They also kept comparing the fish (whoops--mammals!) to adolescents. No way. I looked and looked and looked, but none of them were sulking.

One last note. There were lots of tropical fish swimming nonchalantly around with the dolphins as well. Someone asked why the dolphins weren't interested in eating them? The guide's reply was, "Why work for your food when you can eat at McDonald's?" Why indeed? Fresh food swimming around them in abundance, but they're slaving for our entertainment and one dead, ice-cold fish at a time. These dolphins are retarded.

They made us all smile with child-like joy, excessively:

In an unrelated matter: Why would Stevie Wonder want to be courtside at an NBA game?

current music: Aimee Mann: Pavlov's Bell


Anonymous said...

Is Rick flipping the camera off in the group picture?

Anonymous said...

I belive that is the sign for the LONGHORNS