Friday, May 27, 2005

When you see the Southern Cross for the first time...

One of the things I'm most geekily excited about on this upcoming trip to Cozumel is that the night sky will be slightly different. The island is far enough south to see some constellations that are not ever visible from the United States. I suppose what thrills me the most is the Southern Cross (Crux). No other constellation in the sky has so many bright stars, except Orion. I guess you'd liken it to the Big Dipper in its fame. The Southern Cross is featured on several nations' flags.

Here is the region I'm interested in:

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The Alpha Centauri system, which includes the star closest to us (four light years away) is also something I've never seen. This yellow star to the left in the picture is much like the Sun. It's only bright and notable because it's hundreds of times closer to us. Also of note is the Great Nebula in Carina. Hidden in this nebula is the star Eta Carinae. Eta Carina is a wildly unstable, enourmous star of at least 100 solar masses that is at its life's end. It could go supernova at any time and become brighter than anything except the moon. Lastly, in interest of "brevity," are the Coal Sack and Jewel Box. These are harder to see. The Coal Sack is a dark area to the bottom left of Crux. It's a dusty nebula that blocks the light of stars behind it, making an emptier spot in the sky. The Jewel Box is a tight cluster of stars gravitationally associated with each other. To see these last two phenomena more clearly, I'll have to use binoculars.

If I don't forget them...


Anonymous said...

Well, I certainly won't have ime for all that sky-looking. I'll be too busy drinking Margaritas!!!

Baskinoid #3 said...

The stars....yeah, thats what we were looking at when we went.

Just sounds pretty cool...I didnt even think about seeing a different sky while we were down there, but we were usually either face down in a beer/plate of food or in our snorkel gear looking at barracuda's and stingrays.

Have fun, and when you go, make sure you track down and join up with the "Chevy Chase" sunset cruise!!

Anonymous said...

hey,this sounds like your kind of thing... the stars and the blog!! your good with words! keep it up, i'm enjoying these. oh, and the trip should be super. have fun!